Siu Lam Wing Chun Kung Fu: realistic, effective and functional self-defence Siu Lam Wing Chun is a purist internal martial art born in southern China. Bruce Lee was for a time the ambassador of this style through his…

K.A.E. DO® is a complete and modern Filipino martial art focused on self-defence that improves the proprioceptive abilities of its user. Regular practice of K.A.E. DO® improves, among other things, fitness, coordination, strength, balance, focus and timing. K.A.E.…

The Kung Fu Kids programs are directly derived from Siu Lam Wing Chun Kung Fu and are focused on the different stages of children’s evolution. – Pandas 3-7 years (indicative) Our programme focuses on improving children’s basic motor…

As already mentioned, Kung Fu offers your child, like other sports, the opportunity to express his/her inner strength. Your child will increase (if you want) his or her strength, show flexibility and achieve a natural balance. And this…

Sport: the best activity for teenagers Doing sports, practicing a regular physical activity, is the best activity for teenagers who are at an age of physical and mental development. Kung Fu is both a sport and a fun…